Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Once again click for the larger image to see the color and contrast as intended. From my replacement G15, so far no signs of sensor issues. but I'll shoot some clear skies tomorrow to be sure.


  1. Two separate buildings or one painted two different colors? Could be a wintery version of a detail from an Edward Hopper painting. I like the paint-splatter effect of the snow creates over the facades.

    1. Two buildings. In fact much of that block is just like that, nearly identical structures separated by different paint jobs up and down the block.

  2. Great filling of the spaces. With the 2 colors and the mathematical rhythm of the windows. Is this straight up from your living room with a very little tilted camera ? I like it.

    1. Thanks s.c., it's out my classroom window, and slightly downward tilted as you noticed. I would have corrected that but it's cropped too tight in camera and would have messed up the window frames on the left which are already right against the edge...

  3. That's pretty thick snow by the look of it. I have always found snow a terrible thing to photograph. I like the super squareness of this shot, like an architectural elevation. I like the slightly ironic existence of all those air-con units, seeming so redundant in your current climate. In six months time they'll all be humming away.

    1. Thanks Bill - it was a steady snow but not that heavy. And the fact is they are in a way probably still cooling the house in winter by allowing air to leak in through the cracks and vents. Terrible things these window units...
