Sunday, January 8, 2012

Backboard Shadows

Backboard Shadows

The sun was setting in the west as the eastern sky was mostly cloudy, casting interesting shadows on the basketball goal in the local playground. I would have preferred a clear blue sky, the clouds compete with the shadows for attention.

Sporadic shooting for the foreseeable future - between work and the short daylight hours, it's hard to find the time.


  1. I dunno…I kind of like the "softness" the clouds provide in contrast to the hard edges of the backboard and the shadows. Adds an extra element of interest, in my humble opinion.

  2. Nice one, Mike. I like the pattern and the composition. The clouds work for me also.
    Sounds like you might have to revert to photographing household items again! Hope all is well. Happy New Year to you brother Mike!

  3. Nice pattern made by light and shadow. And you can always shoot. Nicely done Micheal

  4. Nice work Mike, once again you capture detail in everyday life and make it artistic. Its also important to note that you aren't just looking at eye level like most of us, you are actively looking all over for good photo opportunities ...I know when I go out today Im going to be looking all over for those rare shots ... Thanks

  5. Thanks for the comments. It's a pretty easy spot to revisit some day when the skies are clear, I'll do a little comparison.

  6. Nice crisp contrast on this one. You have an eye for structures and shapes, patterns and form.

    well spotted.
