Friday, December 9, 2011

Pier Seating

Pier Seating

I liked the way the light worked on these seats. I should have spent more time shooting them from different angles, but it was a very cold, windy day and I had no gloves - I was freezing. So I took a couple of shots and headed for the nearest coffee shop. Came out OK, I think, but next time I'll remember the gloves...


  1. Its like a music composition. Beautiful. I also have the problems with cold hands but a can't use the camera with gloves on. Last year in winter I used gloves and suddenly my camera stood on 10 sec self timer. Only at home I get it back in order. ( canon 5d ).

  2. Love the lines and the lighting of this image. The wave of seats takes you into and then out of the photo. Nice composition.
    Sounds like you need a pair of fingerless gloves (fold back mitten) for Christmas to help you survive the cold days out shooting :)

  3. Great lines... but it sort of seems like the seats should be facing the city... but then again if you live in NYC you want to escape and looking out to a park or the water ... awesome picture.

  4. Nice geometry and forms. Well spotted.

  5. Last year I had a pair of cheap gloves that I cut out the index finger tip - don't know what happened to that set.

    The seats face south, so the more dramatic southern skyline is visible from the seats. On the opposite side the view faces the George Washington Bridge.
